If you have other drivers parking near your covered car you may also consider....

Coverzone's Unique Side Protection System.

If you have ever had a nice shiny car in near perfect condition and worried that someone is going to park next to you and jam their car door into your car's bodywork then this is for you!
Coverzone have now developed a side protection buffer system that they can install in your new cover prior to despatch. This clever option permanently fixes a strip of high impact buffer pads along the side of the car in the door and side panel area where they are most vulnerable to door dings and scuffs.

The buffer pads are permanently fitted to the cover with double stitching and whilst they do not absolutely guarantee that your car will remain in pristine condition, they will provide much more protection in all those visible areas that are both costly and difficult to repair.
Once we receive the order for your new cover with side protection system we will take a stock cover and our skilled machinists will add the option to the inner lining on both sides. The cover will be a little bulkier when folded but the pads cleverly concertina closed when not in use so handling and storage of the cover is still a breeze.

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Tuesday mardi 18 février 2025

Paintwork & Hot Weather

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At last the warmer weather is with us but one of the main issues that car enthusiasts face now is dust. In the winter months, the wet road conditions result in minimal dust but now, especially after such a dry springtime, dust is a real problem. Airborne particles in town and dust kicked up on country roads can easily damage paintwork and trim on all types of vehicles.

17th August 2022

Wow! We have certainly seen some heat this summer and there is plenty of time for further hot spells. With the current hot weather in mind, it would be impossible for us not to look at how much the sun can damage car paint and what can be done to prevent the majority of damage. In recent years we have seen not only unprecedented levels of heat but also super strong levels of harmful UV rays all of which can have a negative effect on paintwork.

If you live in warmer climates you are no doubt more prepared for the hot and sunny conditions, but the chances are, like us in Northern Europe, you will also have seen seasons becoming warmer and record temperatures regularly being reached.

So, why does car paintwork fade after years of being exposed to the sun? Most paint fade or damage is due to ultraviolet (UV -B) rays, the same component of sunshine that causes sunburn, skin cancer and develops suntans.

UV light is very powerful and of course invisible. When it comes into contact with a surface the molecules of that object receive a boost to their energy. This extra energy is usually given off as heat. In some cases this can also result in colour fading known as photodegradation. Some colours are more prone to fade than others (such as red). The colours that your eyes detect are made up of chemical bonds that absorb light at a particular wavelength. The extra energy from sunlight can break these bonds and  when this happens to enough molecules of paint over time, they no longer interact with light in the same way. You will notice the paint becoming less reflective, transmitting less light and suffering from bleaching as the paint starts to fade.

How can you prevent car paint from fading or sun damage?

There is no way to reverse fading caused by molecular breakdown so prevention is the best cure. I hear you questioning that statement as most of us have probably polished some red paint that has turned pink & the red has come back fresh and vibrant. What you have actually done in that circumstance is to polish through the damaged surface effectively ending up with a thinner paint finish than before.

So, here is a quick guide to paintwork protection from fading or sun damage:

Wash it!

Washing your car regularly can help to prevent the build-up of substances like pollution and salt which can damage the paint molecules and increase fading.

Keep It in the Shade!

One of the best ways to protect your car's paint job is to keep it out of direct sunlight. Park in the shade or even better park in a garage to keep your car's finish looking like new.

Film It!

A number of coatings that cover and shield car paint are on the market. These let the colour shine through and have been created for the next level of protection. The range of products available includes film wrap layers and liquid sprays that can be applied by professionals or are sold as DIY kits. In our view these are best left to the professionals as you can end up making an unsightly mess!

Wax It!

Most modern car waxes contain ingredients that protect car paint from sunshine damage and create a barrier that keep other caustic substances and pollutants from touching the paint surface directly.

Cover it!

A high quality car cover will protect your car from UV rays, dirt, and other debris. We have spent years developing UV protected fabrics that will offer immense protection from sunshine. heat, UV and airborne pollutants. In particular our ‘Voyager’ covers reflect away most damaging UV and are proven to keep your car bodywork & interior cooler than the ambient temperature.

See our recent test on video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rII3dm0lx7A

Our entire outdoor cover range are specifically designed with UV resistant materials giving you outstanding sun and heat protection throughout the hottest summers. Ideal for frequent or long terms use, these covers are our strongest recommendation for the summer months. Besides offering great protection from sunlight they will also ensure that your car body and interior is much cooler once covered.

You can order online here or call us on (+353) 818285001 if you have any questions about how to protect your car paint work from excessive UV.

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